Introduction to Our Web Surveys

Online web survey is commonly referred to as online surveys or internet surveys which is one of the most renowned data collection processes in quantitative research. It is one of the most cost-effective and flexible research methods in which a set of survey questions are conveyed to the target sample through multiple mediums like email, social media platforms, and other websites.

The targeted sample responds to those questions via the World Wide Web. The targeted sample we use at Inventive Research group are B2B professionals who are experts in the field. To get the maximum response rate through online surveys, our expert network makes efforts to keep the survey length to 15 minutes or even less. Sometimes, in certain cases, the survey can take up to 30 minutes to get done.

Online Web Survey
Online Web Survey

The open-ended questions asked can be kept up to no more than three. Factors that help keep the response rate of professionals high include age, region, occupation, expertise, etc. A key feature that we offer our market research client is manual validation of our network of recruited B2B professionals based on identity, geographic location, and expertise.

We program online surveys for our market research clients by providing direct access to our survey experts so that feedback can be incorporated instantly. Businesses use this method to gain in-depth insights and feedback about their upcoming projects, marketing strategies, products or services, enhancement of existing features, opinions regarding the company, and so forth.

Designing Effective Online Web Surveys

The process of designing effective online web surveys inculcates the setting of goals and then the questions that need to be asked to accomplish those goals. Therefore, at Inventive Research Group, the first step towards beginning the designing of a Web Survey Online campaign is to set realistic goals and have a transparent and clear picture of the questions that our market research client wants to have answered.

To assist our client, our expert network works to get answers to the following types of questions:

  • What questions to ask?
  • Who should be asked those questions?
  • Where on the website does our market research client want to extract answers to those queries?
  • And what sort of survey does our client want to run? (pop-up, widget, etc.)
Online Web Survey
Online Web Survey

The questions that our clients ask with the help of our expert network then flow directly from the goal they have set and also allow them to handle the surveys better. Our expert network assists our clients in determining whether they want to involve B2B experts from a specific domain or want to have an entire audience base. Whether the clients want feedback regarding the website or their products/services?

Whether the clients want feedback about a particular page or about specific elements on a particular page? The business’s goals help determine the kinds of questions to be asked, such as open-ended, close-ended, a blend of close-ended and open-ended questions, single-question surveys, multiple-question surveys, and so forth.

Implementing Online Web Surveys: Best Practices

Implementing Online Web Surveys is not just about designing the questions. But it also teaches careful and consistent deliberation of various factors to make certain that the success of the survey is in collecting reliable data and engaging B2B experts. Here are a few best practices that we use at Inventive Research Group for an Online Web Survey.

Choosing the Right Survey Hosting Tool

Make sure to select a credible online survey form that fulfills all the specific needs related to the functionality, features, data security, and ease of use. The most reputable survey hosting tools include Survey Monkey, Typeform, and Qualtrics.

Targeting the Right Audience

Our top priority is defining our targeted audience to ensure our market research client survey reaches the right B2B participants who can provide meaningful insight. To reach the desired demographics, targeted emails are sent.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

Our expert network makes sure that the survey is mobile-friendly and selects a survey tool that automatically strengthens surveys for mobile devices.

Keeping it Short and Simple

To respect the respondents’ time, surveys are kept short, concise, and simple to gather the necessary information. Language is also kept simple, free from any jargon or terminologies.

Personalizing Survey Invitations

Personalized survey invitations are sent to the B2B professionals using their names and elucidating why their feedback is valuable.

Testing Before Launching

Our expert neutron thoroughly tested the survey before launching it to make certain that the questions were clear, error-free, and compatible with various browsers.

Online Web Survey

Data Analysis and Interpretation
in Online Web Surveys

The expert network plays a crucial and meaningful role in the data analysis interpretation of online web surveys by providing the expertise of the right BB2 professionals. Here is how our expert network assists in the process.

Validation of

The survey findings or data is reviewed and B2B expert’s opinions are provided on the validity and reliability of the data.


Expert networks make it feasible to give access to B2B experts who can provide contextual understanding related to the survey responses within the ambit of a broader industry or academic landscape.


Our expert network connects B2B researchers with the right B2B professionals who have an in-depth understanding of the relevant industries or fields of study. These B2B experts’ in-depth insights on trends and best practices help our clients interpret data accurately.

Interpretation of
Complex Data

The survey, which inculcates complex data or technical concepts, our expert network helps facilitate the interpretations of the Web Online Survey findings by securing the connection between the B2B specialist and our client. These B2B experts assist in analyzing quantitative data, interpreting statistical analyses, as well as explaining complex patterns or trends determined in the survey data.

Identification of Implications
and Recommendations

Our expert network also assists the B2B researchers in determining the implications of the survey findings and forming actional recommendations based on the B2B expert’s insights. This helps our client comprehend the survey result’s practical implications.

Maximizing Response Rates in Online Web Surveys

Expert networks at Inventive Research Group assist in maximizing the response rate for Online Survey Web through various means given as follows:

Survey Design Optimization

Our expert network helps maximize the response rate by forming a survey question design that’s engaging and user-friendly, has effective question wording, question sequencing, and survey length, and is aligned with the targeted B2B audience.

Incentive Strategies

We offer recommendations to our market research clients regarding incentive strategies like gift cards, bonuses, better remuneration, etc. This helps our clients in achieving quality data.

Survey Distribution Channels

The response rate is boosted using the most effective and efficient survey distribution channels, such as emails, social media, and online communities, in alliance with the targeted B2B audience’s preferences and behaviors.

Feedback and Iteration

Our expert network assists our client in enhancing the response rate by offering good survey design and iterating outreach starts which are based on real-time data.

Personalization Strategies

We help our market research clients implement personalization strategies for survey invitations as well as communications to give the B2B experts the feeling that they are valued. This involves addressing the B2B participant by name and sending customized survey invitations, etc.

Targeted Outreach

Our expert network plays a role in increasing response rates by connecting our market research clients with professional and desired responses according to the relevant industry and demographics.

Timing and Frequency

We assist our clients by identifying optimal times and days for sending survey invites to B2B consumers. We also help avoid peak times when B2B participants might be busy or distracted.