Overview Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) is a research methodology that revolves around conducting research over a telephone guided by the computer. The interviewer calls the respondent to conduct the complete research through the telephone by using a script that is portrayed on a computer rather than making use of the typical paper-printed survey.

The questionnaire serves as a tool to steer the direction of the interview and naturally control the flow of questions. Whereas, the interviewer acts as a mediator between the respondent and the questionnaire to simplify questions and enhance response rates. During the CATI survey, our expert network at Inventive Research Group ensures accuracy by making sure that the B2B research expert is present during the process of data collection.

Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)

To organize CATI surveys, all B2B market research clients need is a stable internet connection along with a phone (either a physical phone or a softphone). Through advanced survey software, like IdSurvey, which is web-based software and is easily accessible via any browser, our expert network allows the B2B expert to work remotely or from home, thus enhancing flexibility and saving a lot of costs.

CATI surveys make the data collection process feasible by allowing B2B agents to make notes related to the professional’s valuable responses on the computer instead of paper. Logic functions utilized by the software help in making the interviewing process more dynamic. Hence, utilizing the question randomization technique and repetition depending on the responses provided by a particular expert, our client can customize the survey.

Conduct Our High Quality Telephone Surveys with CATI

Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) is a method of data collection in which interviews are conducted via telephone using reliable and authenticated software. The software being used presents the questions needed to be asked followed by data entry of B2B responses. Here is how we conduct our high-quality CATI telephone surveys at Inventive Research Group.

  • B2B experts are provided with a list of phone numbers of our recruited network of market research professionals from different industries. Based on the targeted, specific demographics, experts are contacted. We make sure to load B2B professionals’ numbers in the CATI system.
Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
  • Our expert network assists our client in contacting the first expert on the list and follows the script as provided by the software to put forward their introduction and inquire whether the research expert is willing and available to contribute to the survey. In case they show consent, then the interview starts. On the contrary, if they do not show consent, then the expert moves on to the next number.
  • For every question, the software presents the text along with any probes or follow-ups to assist the expert. The expert reads the relevant question and then records the response in the system.
  • The software automatically moves to the next relevant question depending on the B2B expert’s responses. It also monitors issues, including inconsistent answering, and might prompt the interviewer to recheck or re-confirm with the expert.
  • Lastly, at the end of the call, market research experts are appreciated for their valuable time. Whereas, the software then saves the complete conducted interview data for further review and analysis.

CATI Project Management:
We Handle Everything

Our expert network typically handles everything regarding CATI’s project management in a structured and well-organized manner to guarantee efficient and reliable data collection. Here’s how we handle numerous dimensions of CATI project management.

Project Planning

Our expert network tries to define and simplify the project objectives and scope by taking our B2B market research client on board. We assist our clients in determining the right targeted audience and sampling methodology. Our expert network also assists in developing a project timeline in consultation with the client.

Questionnaire Design

Our expert network collaborates with the client to create a questionnaire that fulfills all the research objectives. We ensure that the questions are unbiased, clear, and suitable according to the Telephone Survey.

Recruitment and Training of Interviewers

Our expert network helps our clients conduct high-quality CATI surveys by recruiting B2B experts with the required and specific skills and expertise. Besides that, we ensure a reliable procedure by consistently monitoring interview performance and giving feedback when needed.

Data Collection

For efficient data collection, we set up CATI software and systems. Then, we inspect the data collection progress in real time to determine any issues, discrepancies, or diversions from the plan. To ensure the quality of data, our expert network carries out validation checks.

Data Analysis

After cleaning and preparing data for analysis, our expert network assists our clients in analyzing data through appropriate statistical techniques, tools, and software.

Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)

Data Collection and Secure
Management with CATI

The procedures of data collection and securing management with the CATI include different key considerations to guarantee the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of gathered data throughout the process. Below are the details on how our expert network handles these processes.

Data Encryption

Our expert network helps B2B clients in implementing encryption protocols during transmission over telephone lines and within the CATI software system as well. This guarantees that sensitive information is always safe and that no unauthorized party can access it.

Secure Transmission

We use secure communication protocols to connect the B2B experts. Our expert network also ensures encrypted data transmissions to safeguard against interception or eavesdropping.

Access Control

We make sure that access to CATI systems and databases is restricted to authorized experts only. To guarantee that, in collaboration with our market research client, we apply strong authentication mechanisms, like usernames and passwords, to avoid unauthorized access.

Data Storage

The collected data is stored in secure and encrypted databases or servers. To assist our client, we implement a backup procedure to ensure data integrity in case of failure or emergency. We also review security measures regularly to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Compliance with Regulations

We at Inventive Research Group make sure that the complete process of data collection through the CATI research survey is within the ambit of industry-specific regulations and relevant data protection regulations. All the data is obtained from B2B experts with their consent and permission.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Improve Your Business with CATI

By utilizing CATI for conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys, B2B market research clients can gain valuable and detailed insights into B2B consumer preferences, needs, or experiences, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here's how we assist B2B firms in enhancing their operations with the help of CATI-based Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

Real-Time Feedback

Through CATI, our expert network allows clients to gather feedback in real-time, giving them the ability to immediately address any issues or concerns put forward by B2B consumers. This agility strengthens customer satisfaction by portraying responsiveness and commitment to fulfilling B2B consumer needs.

Higher Response Rates

The response rate yielded via CATI is higher than that of other survey methods, including online or mail-in surveys. B2B customers are more inclined to engage in a telephone interview and provide our market research client with richer insights.

Personalized Interactions

CATI surveys allow personalized and direct interactions between B2B interviewers and market research professionals. This allows trained interviewers to adapt the questionnaire according to experts’ responses, delve deeper into relevant concerns, and give clarifications as required.

Good Customer Service

For any B2B professional or consumer, the interviewer who is acting on behalf of the company stays intact for a certain period. The way the interviewer communicates with the expert has a big impact on consumers’ perceptions of the firm. While the computer is focused on performing all the work, the client can concentrate on rapport-building with B2B consumers.

Start Your CATI Project Today:
Easy Setup and Onboarding

Conducting a CATI project is a direct process that has an easy setup. Here's how our expert network can kickstart our market research client’s CATI project today:

Defining Objectives

Our expert network begins by clarifying the objectives of our client’s CATI project. We then assist our clients in determining the specific research questions they wish to answer and the targeted B2B audience on which to conduct surveys.

Selecting CATI Software

We assist our B2B market research clients in selecting a reliable CATI software solution that meets their project requirements. We ensure that the software is user-friendly and provides our clients with the adequate support they need for their research project.

Designing Questionnaire

Our expert network helps create a comprehensive questionnaire that lines up with the client’s research objectives. We ensure that the survey questions are clear, brief, and relevant to the research objectives of the client.

Recruiting Participants

For conducting effective CATI surveys, we connect our B2B market research clients with the right potential network of B2B experts, including decision-makers, industry experts, and other professionals. We make sure that the list of contacts provided to the client for conducting CATI surveys is their targeted audience with the right expertise.

Test System Before Launching

Before launching the CATI project, we assist our market research client in conducting thorough testing of the complete system to guarantee that everything is functioning accurately. Our expert network assists in testing survey scripts, data entry processes, and reporting functionalities to figure out and resolve any problem before beginning the data collection process.